Sunday, December 11, 2011

Human Rights Day

If you didn't know already, Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion provider in America, and has no problem with the murder of innocent babies. They also have no problem hiding abuse, and giving women false medical information. Don't believe me? Check out these undercover videos which show them doing just that.

Anyway, Planned Parenthood posted on their facebook page yesterday about "Human Rights Day". The page their post links to says:

"Human rights belong equally to each of us and bind us together as a global community"
Really?!?! 'Cause last I heard, Planned Parenthood still supports abortion. Did they suddenly have a change of heart? Well, I'm pretty sure they didn't change their mind, unless they were brainwashed by aliens. I haven't heard of any alien sightings recently, but I like the idea! I rest my case - they're just a little confused about human rights. If they really thought we all had equal human rights, then they would not be okay with killing babies.
"On Human Rights Day 2011, we pay tribute to all human rights defenders" 
Well, gee, thanks! I guess they must be paying tribute those involved in the pro-life movement, since we are the ones defending human rights. We defend the right of babies to be born, and the right of women to be told the truth about abortion. What rights does PP support? Hmmm, the "right" to kill your baby, and the "right" to live irresponsible lives that lead to abortion.

So, Happy Belated Human Rights Day from a person who believes we all have the right to live to everyone who really supports human rights - the right to be born and be given the truth. Carpe diem!

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