Thursday, December 15, 2011

Are You Ready?

Sometimes it's hard to accept God's love and forgiveness. Face it - we've probably all been there. We think we can do it on our own. I'm so strong, after all, and independent. Why would I need God to help me? Gosh, I'm a perfectly capable person!

Riiiiight. (Sense the sarcasm?)

We all need God - whether we choose to accept that fact or not is up to our free will. Why, then, do so many people choose to not accept God's love?

It's actually quite simple: Accepting God's love means we have to love Him in return.

Love is never one-sided (at least it shouldn't be). Love is reciprocal. You have to give to receive, and by receiving you give. We're afraid of this because we're scared of what God will ask us to do in return. We're afraid that following God will be too hard. Well, NEWS FLASH: God didn't tell us that loving Him and following His will would be easy. Ha! Doing the right thing rarely is. But when we are faced with challenges, God gives us the grace we need to get through the task at hand. He never gives us more than we can handle.

This wonderful season of Advent is a perfect time to examine our lives, and ask ourselves: Am I really loving God and following His will? Am I willing to love God, and do whatever He asks me to, no matter how hard it is?

Let's take a few moments to pray about this, and ask God to show us how we can better know, love and serve Him. Let us always keep in mind that God is all-loving and all-forgiving, and that we are here to show His light to those in our darkened world.

"If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me."

Are you in?

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