Sunday, April 08, 2012

He Did Not Die in Vain


Jesus suffered through the horror of Good Friday, and died a tragic death on the cross for us. Can you imagine if that was the end of the story though? If it was, that would be kind of anti-climactic. I mean really? Jesus comes to save us all, spreads the good news, is persecuted, and then dies. Bam. That's one way to end a story. 

But Jesus is a better story maker than that, and rose from the dead today demonstrating that He is greater than any evil the world could possibly inflict upon His human body. He rose from a terrible and gruesome death, showing us that good always wins. Light drives out darkness, and good triumphs over evil. Alleluia!

"How blessed is this day, when earth and heaven are joined and humankind is reconciled to God!
May the light of Jesus shine continually to drive away all darkness. 
May Christ, the Morning Star who knows no setting, find his light ever burning in our hearts—he who gives his light to all creation, and who lives and reigns for ever and ever. Amen."

Adapted from the Book of Common Prayer

Have a wonderful day celebrating Jesus Resurrection and triumph over evil with your family and friends!!


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